The ramblings and general waste of fictional space created, run, and wholly comprised of nothing important that hasn't already been said.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hey Hock
Well I have rehearsal on saturday evening, but we should still do something, whether we meet somewhere or you come here or whatever? Any ideas? I show you REAAAAL good time. Double entendre intended -Cottonmouth p.s. This is a cotton top tamarin. He may be the greatest animal in the world.
I won't be done til probably 10 but you're welcome to come whenever, I can always check if Jess is working in case you get in town early, or worse comes to worse you can come meet me at rehearsal (I'm only in a few scenes)
Just let me know :) Lookin forward to it. We can hit the bars on sat night
What time you out on Sat? I'm in training til 5:30, but I'll leave that night to come to your place, it shouldn't take more than 2 hours.
PS. that tamarin looks awesome, but also looks like its 90 years old.
I won't be done til probably 10 but you're welcome to come whenever, I can always check if Jess is working in case you get in town early, or worse comes to worse you can come meet me at rehearsal (I'm only in a few scenes)
Just let me know :) Lookin forward to it. We can hit the bars on sat night
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