Monday, October 20, 2008

Family Values

So the last time I went home (yeah, I know it's been a few weeks. I'm slow, deal) I learned quite a bit about my family.

First off, the most crazy news. My 17 year old cousin, who is a good kid in school and sports, was first busted for marijuana possession. The day he went to court, the judge was very lenient on him. He went golfing that day and drank with his friend, who brought the beer. Well, my cousin, you know, the smart one, drove them home. He did something stupid in a minivan and was pulled over and slapped with a DUI. Well, he was put right back into court and saw the same judge. As you would expect, the judge wasn't so nice the second time. He put my 17 year old cousin under house arrest, only able to leave to go to school or work. When he received his sentencing, he was put in jail for 45 DAYS! He's still in high school. And I thought he was the good one of the family.

My other cousin, who is 25, also got a DUI around the same time. He is rather lucky though, as he works at the post office and they don't give a shit about arrest records there. He still has fines and shit to pay off, but at least that should kick his alcoholism for a while.

Found out that my other cousin, 30, was a huge coke fiend. She's missing some teeth, lost her house and her old bf (who committed suicide), and has been in jail quite a few times for stealing things...from Sam's Club. Seriously, Sam's Club, the bulk warehouse. I knew she wasn't the smartest one, but I thought she had more sense than that.

My uncle just got laid off, after about 20 years or so at Chrysler. He has a years worth of severance pay, but he's still about 5 years from retirement, so he can't receive any of that. The worst part is that he has TWINS on the way with my new aunt. I hope he finds something soon.

My sister is running deeper into the hole. She doesn't stay at a job for more than a year, just because she gets bored or she's just flat out stubborn and/or stupid. Hopefully her bf starts making some more money and they get married and she can just mooch off of his money, because that's what I see her doing anyways...sadly enough.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but I'm the one with the most going for me right now...and that's not saying much. I never thought I'd be in this position. This is a strange feeling. I just hope I don't start to travel down the road that most of my family seems to already have traveled. I just hope I'm doing the right thing with taking this job. Hopefully it opens new doors that I never even thought of and I have a successful life. I know that's what everyone wants, but I wanted to say it anyways.


Johnny Cottonmouth said...

as far as I'm concerned, there is no such thing as doing "the wrong thing" just move through life and get as much out of it as possible - I'm sorry to hear about your family woes, it's always really difficult. I will let you know when I'm coming up next. much love

Anonymous said...

I love you David :) I'm so glad we're chatting again. As we both know...families are not reflections of who we become but they are always our roots.

Rambo Dakota said...

Ummm...Hock wrote this post...