Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fall into New Music

A while ago on the blog, Kiznox had made mention to a new Flaming Lips album coming out soon and that got me thinking. What other awesome bands are releasing stuff?

Fall of 2009 is getting some mad love for new music from some of my favorite artists. These records are supposed to be some of the most mature works from these musicians.

Brand New - "Daisy" - It's about time, it has been nearly three years since The Devil and God...

AFI - "Crash Love" - Cannot wait for this to come out!

Paramore - "brand new eyes" - I know, I know. But I like them.

The Flaming Lips - "Embryonic" - DOUBLE ALBUM!

Not to mention, there are some unconfirmed dates for a new Ima Robot and Minus the Bear albums.

Anybody know any others?

or is the blog dying a slow and painful death?


1 comment:

Hock said...

Don't you die on me, blog!

Muse is doing a new album. I don't know when or if, but I heard that the Chili Peppers are in the studio...or are at least coming back at some point