Monday, May 14, 2007

Headlines...or what they should have been...


Pope raps Marxism, capitalism. If only there were another ideological system, a good German one, in which people respect authority and dissent is crushed like a troublesome insect.

If you are going to tie your boyfriend to a chair, sodomise him with a sex toy and threaten to stab him to death, you should come up with a better alibi for the police than "It wasn't me"

Sex offender ex-husband kills sex offender ex-wife's sex offender boyfriend with samurai sword

Man leaves two-year-old son in car. Man forgets where he parked. Jailarity ensues nine hours later. Bonus: It was the boy's birthday

British supermarket chain accused of encouraging binge drinking by selling beer for 70p a pint. In its defence, Sainsbury's points out it was Budweiser, so the binge will shortly be followed by the purge

Father and son barely fail Darwin Award certification after working on car engine during an electrical storm while standing in a large pool of water

And the world, will be a better place....

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