Sunday, May 27, 2007

Here with the morning report...

Yeah, it is roughly 7 am and I am awake and ready for business. Apparently Denise thought that I was Chris and brought me coffee this morning. Hoo-freaking-ray! I totally needed it since the Mobil station is not exactly the best cup of joe that I have ever had. So yeah, the tally thus far is a mere three cups...I am pretty positive that we will reach epic proportions today.

And now for some random linkage.

Those mormons really know how to have a good time...

Oh, this totally makes sense to me. I mean, why wouldnt T-Rex have been on the Ark?;_ylt=AkstRyMe0v3ZQns1AqOKJY7MWM0F

Yeah, nice surround sound...but how much was that sweet painting?

Igasm. Seriously? Wow.

Big Brother gots nothin' on these fuckers...

And that'll do for the moment. I am going to smoke.

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