Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Weekly WYR

Hello all. Another WYR was posted today on College Humor and I say let's take that time out of our day to ask ourselves that question.

Would you rather...

Get food poisoning every time you eat your favorite meal or have a seizure every time you watched your favorite show?

Seeing as how my favorite show(s) are on more than I get to eat my favorite meal, I'll bite the bullet and say that I would rather get poisoned. Another reasoning behind it is that, yes you do throw up and shit a lot, but seizures are just not something to be messed around with. Scary.

Have AIDS, but access to modern treatment, or have haunted semen?

I'm not quite sure what is meant by haunted semen but I'm gonna go with a big fat NO THANK YOU to the whole AIDS deal, unless you got a cure I'm not going to go there.

Live in a mansion with nothing in it or live in a hut with as much stuff that'll fit?

I never had a thing to huge houses, but I especially wouldn't enjoy it if you couldn't take advantage of the space! If I had a mansion there would be the man's room, a game room, and my own bar :) I'll take the hut, since this question has deprived me of all the wonderous things that a mansion could bring...but that does pose a great question for my fellow bloggers!! If you had a mansion with 8 rooms (not including your bedroom) what would you make those rooms into?

Own the De Lorean from Back to the Future or the Batmobile?

With the Batmobile, at least the current task-esque Batmobile I could just destroy shit left and right...but how do you pass up the De Lorean?? You can travel through time for God sakes!! "Where we going guys? What year? Just hope in the car."

Have a hangover cure that truly works or have guilt-free condomless sex forever?

This is a real question? Would anyone choose the hangover cure? Didn't think so.

The LOST ending suck or never have an ending to LOST?

Being I believe the only person on this blog who enjoys the absolute hell out of this show, I would personally want to kill someone if the ending sucked ass. I have every confidence in the world that when the directors have done such a good job for so long on the show that there is no way they could screw it up. I want to see an ending though, that's for sure.

Have a last name everyone made fun of or a last name no one could pronounce?

I have a last name that no one can pronounce and it's not so bad, I have fun with it actually. I don't take offense when people mess it up, I enjoy the trying and how badly it can be butchered. Fun times.


Johnny Cottonmouth said...

like my father... Darth Gravies :)

Hock said...

Since I've wanted a DeLorean since I was about 10, I would go with that. It's even better that it can time travel.

Sex? Yes please.

If I had a mansion with 8 rooms, one would be a game room (pool tables, etc.), one would be a bar, one would be an exercise room, one would be a movie theater, one would be the S&M room, one would be a music studio, one would be skate park, and the last one would be a pot farm. No guest rooms, it's a small mansion.

Kiznox said...

Is it wrong for 7 of my rooms to be pot farms of varying potency and flavor?

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