Saturday, October 11, 2008

Why in God's Name am I Awake?

Well I suppose it's not really that early anymore, but for whatever reason I woke up at like 9:30 this morning. I suppose this is because 9:30 is about the latest I have been ALLOWED to sleep for the last few months... So I decided to use this time to post on the blog with the now seeming obligatory life update.
Warning: I'm smoking a bowl. And listening to dance music. If this even makes sense it will be a miracle.

So we'll get the simple questions out of the way. Am I seeing anybody? Fuck no. How's school? Still fine and still boring. How's teaching going? Extremely well, I am the best teacher ever. How's Bloomington? Still kinda sucks and is boring and has a notable lack of my friends in it (i.e. you guys).

Basically I work all the time. In some way or another. I haven't been this busy since high school. We have an exam basically every week in italian, which meets four days a week, I'm at school 12 hours a week just for my Grad Assistant duties, and let me tell you, if you haven't ever taught a class, it's about the most mentally exhausting thing I've ever done. It's so stressful to know that you are expected to be right all the time. And people take my word as the law. It's fucking insane, and makes my brain hurt. But teaching is very rewarding, and it's nice my students like me. And now in my free time I'm generally doing one of three things:

1) Smoking Pot, Drinking and Grading Papers
2) Smoking Pot, Drinking and Watching Syndicated Television
3) Smoking Pot, Drinking and Writing Music

About that last one. So yeah, I've actually been doing something productive and creative in my free time for a change and I've been writing electronic music. It's really fun, even though the program (logic express) makes my brain explode. I also feel like I have quite a knack for it, because the math-minded part of me understands the structure of that type of music, and the music-minded part of me understands the harmony and melodies and rhythms. I'm actually "done" with a song (or at least done for the time being because I need to stop nitpicking for a little while and move on). I'm really happy with how it sounds, but I'm kinda self conscious about it anyway so I'm not gonna post it because you guys don't like that type of music anyway :). I've been seriously looking into pricing out some digital/cd turntables and djing. I now have a connection to someone who's basically acquired this abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere and they're planning on having parties there with bands and djs etc. So that's pretty fuckin sweet. I would just want to DJ for fun, it just seems like a great hobby to take up, and it would be sweet to just be able to sit at home and mix while we're smoking, or as something different to do while tripping :). Dance party my place!!!

Seriously, WTF? These are a very small portion of the different Logic synthesizers I'm trying to figure out. Ow. My brain is leaking out my ears.

I was in this Romeo and Juliet as Mercutio for anyone who didn't know. I received rave reviews. I also have a small part in a show in April which is exciting. I also might be singing with the Mason orchestra in March as a soloist (yes, Mason does in fact have an orchestra apparently). I ALSO might have another part at the end of this semester and again at the beginning of next year. Basically I'm getting opportunities to perform all the time, which is a pretty big deal, seeing as how that's what I want to do. So I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.

I want to move to a city. I'm so sick of the midwest. On the plus side, it's gorgeous down here; unseasonably warm, the trees just barely starting to get that orange tint. It's awesome.

I hate that I haven't been able to go to any concerts lately. It makes me really depressed, but I just don't have the time or money. Oh well.

Despite all this, things are going really well. I'm really enjoying my alone time, and being so driven at the moment. I feel good about what I'm doing, and I really feel like I've found the path I'm supposed to be on. It's like I've started paying attention to the little hints life throws you to make sure you're going the right way. I'm not concerned about the decisions I make, because I finally feel like I have the life experience to make the right ones for me. I just feel very centered and happy. :)

I miss you all terribly, can't wait til Christmas when I'll get to see everyone for sure, hopefully I can come up before then though. Until then, don't forget you're always welcome to call me to chat, I'd love to hear what's going on in everyone's life.
Peace Toads

that's my new phrase I made up. It's what I say now


This guy... said...

Let me just say first off, thank you for posting. It has been along time and I basically check the blog everyday (multiple time daily actually). With that said, I am really glad to hear you are happy, my friend! And please send me those songs you made (or are making). A while back, I made some songs on a Garage Band rip off and I will gladly send you those...for FREE!!

And by the way, your sign off is hilarious. Love you buddy.


This guy... said...

I forgot to said you havent been to concerts lately. Did you go to UM in IN? If so, the setlist looked like it rocked (DBK, Fussy, etc). If not, why not?

Hock said...

I hear ya on not having any free time. I've gotten like 20 hours of sleep in the past 5 days. That's sucky sucky. I too would like to hear this fantasmastic (go ahead, look it up, it's not a real word) song. I'm glad to hear you found something you like to do. Good for you. Peace amphibian, go karate chop some aliens!