Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Force is Strong with This One

I just saw the movie Fanboys, and I gotta say it was excellent! There are so many Star Wars references it would make any geek flip out. But what do you expect? It's a movie about Star Wars. It made me happy that I was able to pick up on every subtle thing that happened in reference to Star Wars. Yes, I am a big geek.

Everyone was just perfect in this movie. Jay Baruchel played a classic reserved geek, who knows everything about SW. Sam Huntington played his usual leader role pretty well, but made a transition to go on the trip almost as fast as it took Anakin to turn to the dark side, which was kinda awkward. Dan Fogler was hysterical and had the greatest van ever, complete with sound effects. The lightspeed part is amazing. Chris Marquette was kind of a dick, but still fit the part of geek. The toughest part for me to believe was Kristen Bell's Zoe. The reason being, she's way too hot to be that geeky. I'm not saying its not possible for an incredibly hot chick to be interested in Star Wars like that, but its probably not likely. I would totally bang her. The rest of the cast, involving mostly the best cameos ever, were awesome! There are just so many of them, I was so happy.

Goerg, you'll love this movie. Even more if you actually like Star Wars.

I was thoroughly entertained from start to finish. I give it 9 peyote trips out of 10

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