Sunday, May 3, 2009


Life is not that bad

Working is not that bad

If you hate everything, you've made the choice to do so

I've got news for you: this is as good as it gets. and it's fucking amazing. Life is a gift that we all take for granted. Stop focusing on the negative, start focusing on the positive.

Did you eat today? Are you getting paid for what you do? Do you have a roof over your head? Are you reasonably healthy? Are there people out there who love you?

The answer is yes. No question

Today is only today. This year is only this year

We are young, vibrant, intelligent, talented people

If our jobs/classes/work/relationships/friends/worlds don't suit us

I'm lucky to have the job I have, even though it doesn't pay me enough to survive. I'm happy for the friends I have, even if the only way I see them is if I drive for hours on end to do so. I have learned more from "classwork" than my grades, or a diploma, or a degree, or multiple degrees will ever indicate.


I'm sorry for having complained so much on here. I'm a spoiled brat in the grander scheme of things. And I'm gonna do my best to recognize how great I have it.

ps. this is not meant to piss anyone off, but seriously. let's make a difference here. we are all way too good to put up with bullshit against our will


Hock said...

That's all well and good, but its not that easy to just switch jobs

Johnny Cottonmouth said...

Sure it is.
1) Quit job A
2) Apply for job B

I didn't say it was necessarily financially feasible, or a good idea, or any of that. But it is in your power. What would be stopping you otherwise.
Oh wait... I know this one. "Common sense"
trust me I've been there. Do you know how hard it was to justify switching to voice for grad school? and that was just for education, not profession.

Yeah it sucks. Adult life blows, you work hard, often at something you don't give a shit about, or worse, hate. But you get money for that sacrifice. Or you can switch jobs and give up the money. It's a tough call.

Again, I'm not directing this towards you guys. This was more an empowering statement that's as much directed towards me as anyone else in the world. Being in this counterculture class has opened my eyes a little - 40 years ago, the beatniks and hippies had the same issues with professional life. But if your goal is to have a job you love every second of that pays you more than you could ever hope for, and leaves you feeling 100% satisfied with your life, it's probably not gonna happen.

So moral of the story? Do what makes you happy. If money makes you happy, try to deal with the bullshit. If you'd rather do something you love and struggle with expenses, then quit and do something else.

Hock said...

The only problem with finding something that makes me happy, is that I don't even know what will make me happy...