Its been a while since there has been much activity on the blog. (Hock, I know, you did not let the blog die.)
And so, in the most random of fashions, I would like to add the following string(s) of thought:
Flaming Lips DOUBLE ALBUM will, hopefully, be amazing. I am a bit nervous for this one, though. The songs that they played from it at Pitchfork were, well, a bit weird. Even by their standards. He rode on top of a guy in a gorilla costume while crowing into a megaphone. Whafuck is that noise? I am betting that my complete and total love of these guys will make it hard for me to not show some serious bias and force me to listen to everything millions of times. Over and over. Until Hock kills me and then breaks the cd.
I miss big gay karaoke. That sounds like the bees freaking knees, dude. I wish there was a place in this area that 1-had karaoke and 2-people I know would go to.
My list is as follows:
Mandy Moore
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johanssen
Shannyn Sossamon
Emma Watson
and then all of them again. In no particular order. Just immense amounts of fucking. Oh god, the fucking.
Got about 2 weeks left until work starts kicking my ass for another semester. All in all, I would say it has been a pretty damn good summer.
I could totally go for a big, gigantic, monstrous beer right now. Later, though. There is movie to see. With eyes. Asian talk fun. HAHAHA.
Thats what I got for now. Enjoys it.