Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fucking Supermarkets

I promise that I'm getting my ID tomorrow so I'll be able to take out my aggression through working out instead of through ranting on here. But just one more for now...

So I was at the supermarket today - a poor choice since it's move in week, but I desperately needed food so I wouldn't starve (I found 45 dollars in a folder, but just buying essentials cleaned that out... oh well). Walking around in there I simply COULD NOT BELIEVE how RUDE people are when they're shopping. You'd think that in a crowded place like that, people would be more aware of the people around them, but quite the opposite seemed to be the case. The number of people who just stop dead in an aisle and turn their carts blocking the whole thing DIRECTLY in front of you was just obscene. Or the ones who push through your cart to get where they need to be. Or the two parents that take their freshman to the store and all sort of swarm around you grabbing things to put in their cart, rendering you immobile and claustrophobic. I just couldn't believe it. Even the guy who checked me out (hahaha checked me out... I wish) told me that it hadn't even been that busy, but that all of the consumers were just being assholes today. It just seems so unnecessary. I even let the woman behind me in line go to an open register saying "you can go ahead up to that one ma'am, they're open" (yes I really said ma'am - I figure down here in the south I should get used to that because it's a little more customary). Her response? "What? It's open? Oh." And then she pushed passed me to get to it. She didn't even look at me once.

What a fuckin bitch.

What is so hard about saying "Please" or "Thank you" or "Excuse me"? Honestly... I've always prided myself on being a very polite guy, but it shouldn't be something to be proud of, it should be something that EVERYONE is ALL the time.

You'd be amazed how far those words can get you in life. Karma's a bitch, and it's at times like these when I know I need the help of the people around me that I'm glad I took the time to be polite to them.

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