Sunday, October 7, 2007

Oral Sex: The Business Plan

I try not to steal too many things from College Humor, but this was great...

Also, I'm gettin sick of being the only person who ever posts on here. While you guys are busy getting laid, or not getting laid and complaining about it, or drinking and partying, or having fun, or actually enjoying your lives, I'm busy...
hating life. And writing on the blog. Because I have nothing better to do.

Oh blog, you're the only one who listens. And so together you and I shall conquer the Earth.

STARTING WITH LIECHTENSTEIN (let's be honest no one knows about that country anyway... next we'll head to Andorra, and if things go well, LUXEMBOURG SHALL BE OURS)

Here's to taking out the world one small unknown nation at a time.

Cottonmouth out

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