Monday, December 3, 2007

Let the Good Times Roll

I haven't posted in a while, so I'll just go ahead and use this space to tell you how much my life sucks. I am graduating (hopefully) in May, but I don't have a damn clue what I'm going to do when I'm done. I don't have an internship, nor do I have experience in anything. I've wasted the better part of my college career killing all my brain cells. I seriously think I'm more dumb now than I was when I started college. Ben told me to put myself out there and do whatever it takes to get ahead, it doesn't matter if I have the experience or not, just do it. I want to believe that, but the way my life has gone so far, that won't work out for me very well. I have dreams and aspirations to make millions, but I have a very unsettling feeling that I'll end up working in some cubicle for $40k per year doing some meaningless job forever. The thing that sucks about this is that I have no skills whatsoever. I can't play an instrument, fix a car, program a computer, act, or do anything that can create value in myself. I'm just hoping for that one instant where my dream job finds me and I'm able to capitalize on it, but until then I'm still in the same spot living in my shithole life. My only saving grace are my friends, who are there for everything. Thank you guys, seriously. I wish I could get my act together and actually improve my life, but knowing myself I'll just think about it for 10 minutes and then start playing a video game. Its like I'm sabotaging my own life and I'm not really sure why. For anyone who reads this, don't take it the wrong way, I'll be fine. Its getting colder outside, finals are coming up soon and I just have so much shit running through my head that I needed to let this out. I could have probably wrote twice as much as this but I don't want to depress everyone and its 4am, so I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Johnny Cottonmouth said...

Hey Buddy,
I want you to know you're not alone. I'm not even sure at this point that I want to continue even with the rest of my degree, and god knows even if I do, I don't know what the fuck I'll end up doing. Honestly I think it's good to just enjoy yourself for now, and worry about those things as they present themselves as issues. I'm lookin forward to seeing you again in a few weeks, and I hope everything goes well until then.