Yep, that was the text that I had to send this morning upon waking up and realizing what a tool of sabatoge me mouth can be whence betwixt a 7$ Super Stiff Martini Dealie and several beers.
Not to say that I did anything wrong, just that I get super honest when I am wasted. Which can be an interesting thing to have as an easy out. I mean, does anyone else ever get drunk simply because they want to know how they truly feel about something or someone in particular? I know that is exactly what I did. Worked out, at least, I think that it may have worked out. I know specifically how I feel and can begin to move forward from there.
Now? Now you get to ponder what the hell I have been up to since my hiatis from the blog...for five seconds...then I will tell you in a quick summary...
* Got a moped
* Had a berfday
* Got promoted at work
* Then again and moved to a way cooler store (Sorry, Hock)
* Was run off the road by some asshole and totally spilled my bike and slammed (ready for it?) my RIGHT SHOULDER AND KNEE into the ground. Its been at least a week at this point and those parts just arent the same. Fuckers.
* Got drunk. A lot.
* Decided not to use the pig as a change jar and now have an actual jar jar. But not a Binks. Hells no.
* Read several books on the pooper in my room bathroom. Yeah, I told you about it.
* Worked on movie ideas that I am really, really excited for.
* Actually got to spend quite a bit of time with my friends even though we are all on stupidly different schedules. (Color me Grateful, and I imagine that is a soft shade of blue)
* All kinds of new music. All day, son. All day.
* GTAIV is pretty much the bomb-steezy of all videogames. (And hey, that mission is really hard for me but I so enjoy blasting my way out of an abandoned hospital all in the name of a coke shipment)
* Jamiroquai is the dumbest name ever. But his music is good to groove to.
* Went to my first Lansing Lugnuts game
* Got kicked out of a Lugnuts game. The same game. oops.
* Free drinks from this total Bear at Rum Runners. Hilarious. And does everyone just assume that I am gay until I prove them otherwise?
* Learned to love the stupidest rap on the planet. Souljaboy? Pass it on over and crank the bass, I'm'a dancin'.
And hey, 73%. Thats a pretty awesome number. Anyone think that Utah would have approved gay marriage with that high of a percentage? Also, barring some sort of spectacular and unheard of action by the state supreme court, California hops on the bandwagon mid June.
That should do for the moment. Hmmm...