Sunday, August 17, 2008

Baby's First Rave

So like I said I would, I went to this Underground Sound Festival over this weekend. I don't know WHY this didn't occur to me, but all night techno dance party=rave. It was complete insanity. And possibly one of the greatest weekends of my life. Fueled by the best fucking acid ever (seriously... every other trip balks in comparison to this), I danced for approximately 12 straight hours on Friday til 8:30 in the morning, and spent much of saturday doing some soul searching and thinking about life and what I want. It's a little frightening to say I felt SO comfortable the entire weekend, people were so nice, and even though I didn't do a lot of talking (going to a festival by yourself makes that the case regardless), I would go again in a heartbeat. I found several new DJs who were amazing, and frankly, the club/rave scene is something I'd really like to get into around this area.

I don't feel like writing a whole lot more on it, I'd have to tell stories in person, but suffice it to say, I really found the scene that I think I could fit into (don't judge me!), and I really came to terms with, and figured out a lot of personal things, which is exactly what I wanted. Call me for stories :)

1 comment:

This guy... said...

::in a baby-talk voice::

does wittle Marky want some ecstasy in his bah-bah?

and also...
