Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hey, Kiznox

You might want to reconsider cracking your knuckles every five minutes. Taken from an article on

The same study found knuckle crackers to be far more likely to have weaker grip strength and greater hand swelling, both of which can limit dexterity. As for osteoarthritis, that's more likely due to genetics and increasing age.

Bottom Line: Try turning your nervous energy into a less harmful habit that occupies your hands (such as doodling). If a different activity doesn't get you to stop, try putting a large rubber band around your wrist and every time you catch yourself cracking your knuckles, pull it back and let it snap as a reminder that your habit really can be harmful. Most important, get to the bottom of what's causing your nervousness in the first place—you may crack your knuckles more often at work than at home, for example—and address those sources directly.

1 comment:

Rambo Dakota said...

Oh whatever, if it happens it happens. I'm not going to go snapping myself on the wrist and shit.

I know this post wasn't directed at me, but I do it a lot too so I thought I would throw in my two cents.