Friday, December 4, 2009

Xmas Break

So in light of my pending completion of my degree, and the fact that I go to court on January 12 and will subsequently be on probation, I have decided to come home for a few weeks over break and really do it right. So I will be in Rochester from a few days before Christmas until sometime between the 9th and 12th of January. I'm not able to drive until the end of January, so if you want to see me (hint hint) you're going to have to visit me. This may be the closest I get to home for a while so I hope I get to spend a bunch of time with all of you. I took a plea bargain so I'll have the standard faire - year probation, classes, 50 hours community service, 90 license suspension, etc. Once again I don't know if people will check this, but it's at least a little bit more personal than Facebook.
See you in a few weeks! :)