Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Daily ClusterFuck...

[BOLD {UDDERLY DISTURBING}] We don't know this woman's name, or what character she's supposed to be. All we know is, she's kind of freaking us out. (July 27, 2007)

Would you make an udder joke on this one? I just cant. I want to. But I cant.

Actual Headline: Henry: Did Bush Make Brown His BFF, Jill? WhaFuck?

Senator Ted Stevens (R-etard) from Alaska had his home raided by the FBI and IRS. In other news, Ted Stevens is still alive.

Ahem..."Each year, over 6000 people are traumatized by goats in the United States alone." The Childhood GOAT TRAUMA Foundation.

Roman Catholic racist, foul-mouthed priest on leave. Thanks YouTube.

In a 5$ Billion deal, Rupert Murdoch now owns Dow Jones & Company. Which means that he owns the Wall Street Journal. Cancel your subscriptions now.

Wash your hands, guys. You could have HPV under your fingernails.

Stop me if you've heard this one: A Baptist minister is charged with indecent exposure, DUI, and offering police oral sex. The punchline? He was in a dress.

If you're going to be a peeping tom, try not to fall through the roof and into the same room as the person you are watching. (With moderately attractive victim photo goodness)

To prove that I think every religion has an equal opportunity to prove itself FUCKING STUPID: "After the worship, he chopped off his right hand and offered (it) to the temple of Goddess Kali."

Yahoo! knew what the Chinese were doing. But we have always done business with Eastasia. (and if you are getting this reference, well done.)

This guy lost both arms and leg but figured out how to "drive using his stumps, toes and teeth." Next big accomplishment? Going to jail after high-speed chase.

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