Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Can't Take It!

As you guys may know, I am incredibly miserable at my job. I have no free time and I'm constantly shit on. This past weekend I was forced to stay in Houston for an extra day just because I would spend 8 hours in the store instead of 9 if I took the Friday flight. Instead of getting home Friday night, I was forced to lose 4 hours of quality time I could of had to move out. Now I have to unfairly put that burden on Kiznox to finish up for me because I'm not in the state.

Then Kiznox and I drove to Chicago, as he has already outlined. I will leave the good, fun, happy story time to him. All I could think of on Sunday is how fucked I'm going to be on Monday.

Well, I was fucked today. I left for the airport, only to get pulled over and receive a speeding ticket. Awesome start. Get to the airport and miss my flight because the security line is too long. Even better. The flight I ended up on wasn't bad, I slept for most of it. Then I got into the Charlotte airport, where I have to sit for an hour and a half before my flight leaves. The time comes up to where my flight is supposed to take off and we're still in the terminal. An announcement comes up on the speaker saying that the plane needs a part and it'll be 15 more minutes. Another announcement comes on, saying they may need to change planes and it'll be 30 more minutes before they know. Well, we end up changing planes and waiting at another gate for 45 more minutes. We board that plane...finally. While onboard, we wait for another 30 minutes before even taking off. What the fuck! I got in 4 hours late. It's cool that I got a half day, but I was stressing out.

The whole time, all I could think about is how much I can't take this anymore. It's true. I'm putting in my 2 weeks notice by the end of this week. I'm aging too quickly and I have no life. I don't need this shit. Now I have to work on these stupid fucking goals because I got a bad evaluation from one piece of shit manager a couple weeks ago.

I don't need this stress. Fuck this god damn company!

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