One of the more interesting ones revolves around the next film, Batman: The Dark Knight. It is sounding like an interesting possibility that Nolan will be including one of my favorite villainous females, Harley Quinn. (Interesting choice, if it does actually happen, since Quinn only first arrived on the scene during the early 90's cartoon, Batman The Animated Series) What makes this even more interesting is that Sarah Michelle Gellar could potentially play the role. As of this moment, I am not sure if I am incredibly excited or unsure if I like this potential outcome. While I think that Gellar is gorgeous, I have my reservations about whether or not she could actually play Crazy as well as another actress.
Shannyn Sossamon - You most likely remember her from the 8 thousand times that I put her picture up on the blog, or from A Knights Tale. But think about the chemistry that she and Ledger would already have built from their previous work together. She seems completely insane in her real life, so putting together a persona for the screen should not be a stretch. It could be perfect.
Helena Bonham Carter - Okay, so she may not completely ensnare all the physical attributes, and she is getting a touch older...but did you see Fight Club? This woman knows how to play crazy, and she knows how to do it sexily. (And yes, sexily is now a word)
Brittany Murphy - Definitely the right age and body type for Quinn. Easily fitting into the trashy-sexiness that anyone playing her would need to properly portray Joker's second in command, Murphy would definitely be among one of the best to skamper around in skin-tight...mmmm...
Okay, so while doing a bit of research on this Gellar rumor, I have found numerous sites stating that the whole Gellar-as-Quinn thing is jibba-jabba. Which is sad. However, I have found nothing stating that there nothing in the script about Harley Quinn in general. So keep the hope alive.
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