Thursday, August 2, 2007

It's baaaaaaaack!

Welcome one and all to the next installment of Would You Rather?! I will be AWOL for the next few days, as well as Kiznox, so enjoy this post until then!

Would You Rather...

Knock boots with Marge Simpson or Lois Griffin?

Interesting question indeed! They obviously both enjoy bigger guys so that sucks a little, don't know if I'd totally fit into those shoes and they have both had three kids however I believe that I will go with Lois Griffin because she seems more apt to go get hammered with me or possibly do some drugs whereas Marge doesn't seem to be a huge risk taker (obviously short of her gambling problem). Giggidy!

Only be able to eat or only be able to drink?

Wow. Ummm...I would say that if I could only drink I would drink a lot more Pepsi than I currently do...and that's a lot but it would all work because I do not usually have an appetite the more Pepsi I drink so that would kill my appetite but I would have to drink like V8 or something to get my I'm going with food because there is much more variety with that than drinks...except my beloved beer...dammit! I'm really torn now! is no longer worth living....AHHHHH! (splat)

Have no cell phone or no Internet?

I could go with no cell phone or Internet really but if I have to get rid of one and keep the other I would probably have to say keep my cell phone because I honestly don't know what I would do without either of them but having a cell phone let's you be a little more personal with your friends and family than the Internet ever I can be a little shitty of a driver at times and the cell phone is for those emergency times.

Slap a baby or punch a 9-year-old girl?

Dear God...

Be sore for the rest of your life or break every bone in your body once?

Oh my...I guess I could handle soreness as long as it's not like my entire body. Breaking every bone in your body could lead to a lot more problems down the road than soreness. I don't really wanna run the risk of a lot more arthritis than I deserve. Soreness you win this round!

Never grow up or never have sex?

Who says you have to be a grown up to have sex? Except your body that is...

Be able to see what video games will look like in 200 years, or see what cars will look like in 200 years?

Interesting indeed! I would have to go with cars because that would just go friggin awesome to know! In the end I don't truly care because I will not be around (unless they Austin Powers me) but to see what a car would look like would rule. This is not to say I don't care about the video games but I have a feeling they will be extremely realistic with the controls probably being actual motion and you physically moving around (a la virtual reality). Go Go Gadget Cars!!

Be able to fly for a half hour a day, or hover a couple feet off the ground for as long as you want?

Knowing me if I gave myself the ability to fly for only a half hour a day then there would be waaaay to many times I would lose track of time and come crashing I'm gonna go with the hovering for the sake of my life and because I'm a dumbass.

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