Sunday, September 2, 2007

College Humor Confuses Me...

Dont get me wrong, the site is damn funny. Where else can one go to find some of the most politically incorrect, womanizing, ridiculous bullshit? (besides here) My confusion, however, stems from the fact that they censor their online swearing. (at least in some cases)


I just cannot wrap my head around that mess. What is with the ( * ) in place of some letters? It would seem slightly asinine to censor the word "fuck" in an article about picking up a girl in class. It makes even less sense when there is rampant talk of overindulgent drug use in the column beforehand. Clearly, I am overthinking the situation...but what the hell is up with that?

Understand, I find most of what they have to be pretty darn funny, but if you are going to say whatever you want to say then say whatever you want to say.

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