Thursday, June 21, 2007

Some of the Dumbest shit you will ever read... linked in this awesomely bad take on important news.

Suddenly the Holy Land is a Whole lot Sexier. Act of Zionism or tourism boost? You decide.

Is the Pope confused, or does he really see himself as the Moses of Transportation?
According to Rev. Carlton R. Upton Sr, "The bitch was asking for it." That's what you get for messing with God.
Thou shalt not chat freely on the Internet whilst thine wife is crazy, a pastor, and wielding a freaking knife.

" to get people to support torture... hmm...I'll use Jack Bauer!" Really, Justice Scalia? Really?!?!
Hillary and Bill and the wrong way to spoof the Soprano's. (Say it isn't so, Bill. Say it isn't so)
OJ, you are a sick, sick individual. So when does the whole book come out?
But at least the Juice is not as vile or sick as George W. Bush, who recently vetoed a bill that would have expanded funding for embryonic stem cell research. (check out the picture, read the caption, and spew venom at the hypocrisy)

And finally, Fuck Squirrels.

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