Wednesday, June 6, 2007

That's a lot of peanuts

I'm not quite sure what to make of this story. There is the refreshing fact that people are standing up for something, even if it is a TV show. However what makes this show so extremely different? Why at this specific time do you feel you now have to stand up for a show that is cancelled by network big-wigs? There have been shows cancelled for years and we've been annoyed and pissed off but life goes on. Good for these people actually sticking up for what they believe to be a good show. However, there will always be that next show that comes along that you will relate to and enjoy thouroughly that will make you forget that last show got cancelled or was ever even on in the first place.

They even have a website where fans go to bitch about how the show got cancelled! Hilarious, it's like a revolution...of sorts.

Also, on a totally unrelated subject. This really pisses me off because this is a GRADUATION! For God's sake the faculty here is denying people their diplomas for people cheering, someone who may not even be related to them who just felt like cheering on this JOYOUS occasion. What a crock of shit that you cannot cheer when I cannot think of any reason why you shouldn't cheer at such a time. I understand that people cannot hear the names of their children sometimes, but if you are proctoring the graduation and, specifically, calling out the names of the graduates than simply WAIT until the cheers subside before you call the next name. I know that you are on a tight schedule but a few seconds to allow the cheers to die down does not seem like a huge sacrifice to make...especially when the alternative is not allowing kids to get their diplomas on graduation day!!! Really grinds my gears...

Until next time...

1 comment:

Kiznox said...

Which part of the grad thing pisses you off? I mean, are you upset with the students or the faculty? Just trying to clarify.