Sunday, August 10, 2008

The loner comes out of hiding, kinda.

As I stated in my last post, I was going to post the inordinate amount of time I spend in my room watching movies on my Lap-tastic. Well, here it is folks:

I have reached 50 new movies since the last time I posted a shit ton of movies!

I had to go through many stages to reach this almost impossibly depressing feat. Most of them involved theft (downloads, biatch). I searched the best films of 2006 and 2007, the best comedies, all animated films, etc. Instead of just leaving them in a list like last time, I figured I'd categorize them. This way, if any of you hooligans want to know if a movie is worth seeing or not, there will be an easy way to reference. (FYI: I never once thought after any of these movies that I had completely wasted my time. If you have as much free time as I do, please, see them all. If a studio sinks tons of money into something, chances are there is something that could possibly make you laugh or think. So don't be so judgemental.) Here we go.

Movies I actually saw in the theatre:
Dark Knight, Wanted, Hellboy II: Golden Army, Space Chimps, Hancock, Get Smart, Step Brothers, Wall-E, and Pineapple Express
Best: Pineapple Express
Worst: I guess Space Chimps, but it was so hilarious ::cough::stoned::cough::

My Animation Kick:
Barnyard, Everyone's Hero, Happily N'Ever After, Incredibles, Meet the Robinsons, Shrek 3, Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, Ant Bully, Flushed Away, Madagascar.
Best: Meet the Robinsons or Happily N'Ever After
Worst: Everyone's Hero...Whoopi Goldberg as Babe Ruth's bat?

Action and Drama (sorry, my movies are a little weighted):
Bourne Supremacy, Bourne Ultimatum, V for Vendetta, 21, Last Mimzy, Closer, Hellboy
Best: V
Worst: Last Mimzy (left me with a lot of questions...)

Funny Stuff (and some not so**):
Loaded Weapon, Wild Hogs**, Comedians of Comedy, Run Fatboy Run, Good Luck Chuck, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (double "Chuck" feature night), My Super Ex-Girlfriend, Super Hero Movie, Mama's Boy, Charlie Bartlett, Super High Me (!), Wild West Comedy Show, The Onion Movie, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (could be more drama), Get Smart's Bruce and Lloyd: Out of Control**, The Love Guru, The Heartbreak Kid, Alvin and the Chipmunks**, Underdog** (bad double Jason Lee feature), Fool's Gold**, The Comebacks, Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny, What Happens in Vegas...
(It's hard to pick a winner...)
Honorable Mentions:
Super High Me, Charlie Bartlett, Love Guru, Run Fatboy Run
Dishonorable Mentions: **

"And what was the 50th movie I saw?" you may ask yourself. It was actually my favorite movie I saw out of the was a beautifully touching story of a man dying and trying to reconnect with his son.

Life as a House.

It is starring Kevin Kline, Hayden Christensen, and Jena Malone. And Cottonmouth, Ian Somerhalder is in it (ow ow). Go see it, it is awesome. I actually cried. It is the onyl movie of fifty that has been able to do it.

That concludes my extensive list of time wasting. See ya in another bunch of cinema. Peace.


PS: Go ahead, count 'em.


Rambo Dakota said...

I completely agree on V for Vendetta and Meet the Robinsons, two very good movies in their respective genres.

May I suggest Alpha Dog if you have not already seen it?

Johnny Cottonmouth said...

I've actually seen Life as a House, albeit quite a long time ago, and you're right, it's arguably one of the best movies I've ever seen. I didn't realize that Ian Somerhalder and Jena Malone were even in it, if that gives you an idea of how long ago that it, in fact, was, considering Jena Malone is one of my favorite actresses and Ian Somerhalder is one of my biggest celebrity crushes.