Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Top 3 Reasons Why Last Night Sucked

3) I was invited to go sneak into a hot tub with jessy and a bunch of lesbians. the hot tub was not working so I skinny dipped in lukewarm water with a bunch of hairy dykes. So exciting for me.

2) I realized that I left the beer out in my car later so I went out to get them. I realized that my car was nowhere near a parking space so I tried to move it and ran into the car next to me. then I grabbed the beer and it all shattered all over the ground (8 bottles in all). Then I got a piece of glass in my foot which I just had to remove using a kitchen knife and fingernail clippers because I have no money to pay to go to the doctor

1) Patrick and I broke up. The distance wasn't working. And frankly it was mostly my fault. But that didn't change the fact that I was visibly crying (i.e. tears streaming uncontrollably down my face) the entire 30 minute bus ride to work this morning. I left at noon when I realized that with only 3 hours of sleep, a piece of glass in my foot and a penchant for bursting into tears at the drop of a hat I was not going to be much use at my job

I hate my life


Hock said...

Sorry man, that sounds like an awful time. Glass in the foot? Fuck dude.

This guy... said...

I blame hairy lesbians.