Sunday, May 11, 2008

Eye Candy of the Week

Here's some eye candy for all of you folks: I know this isn'e my piece on the blog but hot is this girl. And plus, this is mainly for Kiznox and I, but here she is Lauren Graham.
Best known for her very sexually smart roll as Lorelai Gilmore on the Gilmore Girls (one of the best shows ever created!). So go ahead Hock , make fun of me for my "terrible taste" in television because I have to think to be able to watch and understand a show. Now I know it doesn't have explosions so you probably won't watch it, but give it a try. (Jusssssskiddin'). And just in case Rambo doesn't like this show and wants to rip on it...I have three words for him "The Oh See" Suck on it! Love you all, and enjoy.


Hock said...

I don't care what horrible shows you like to watch, but please...PLEASE DON'T taint the eye candy of the week with someone who doesn't deserve it. At least do Alexis Bledel, I would accept that.

Also, I am going to punch the next person who says I can't enjoy a show/movie without an explosion. Fuck off.

Johnny Cottonmouth said...

You guys are all a bunch of homos.

and gilmore girls just has too many vaginas on it. not interested...
