Sunday, March 30, 2008

What the fuck is wrong with women?

Why are women the most confusing beings on this planet? I can't figure a damn thing out with them.


Kiznox said...

They are just people, which means that they are also the most effed up and confusing and mind-boggling and ridiculous beings ever. Of all time. EVER.

It is why we want them. It is why we crave them.

Rambo Dakota said...

You need to sit down with Denny and I and discuss this b/c we've got some great stories for you!

Johnny Cottonmouth said...

ummm... I got news for you...

guys are NO less confusing. It's just that you guys never have to figure out anything as confusing with them...

This guy... said...

they have boobies

Johnny Cottonmouth said...

These responses are just such good representations of our personalities.

Kiznox philosophizes

Rambo has a story he wants to tell

Cottonmouth says something gay


Dah-veed talks about boobies


coolsisters said...

Just what exactly are you trying to figure out?

Hock said...

I'm trying to figure out why they can't just send a straight forward message instead of giving me the run-around.

Kiznox said...

Because they are nazis. Anne Frank concurs.