Monday, March 24, 2008

You have 10 minutes left to sleep,

Hock, before I wake you up/check to see if you are already awake. Hopefully you were able to get some rest after staying up all night working on that project.

So yeah, it has been a fairly interesting night. I layed down to take a nap last night around 530p, fully expecting to wake up around 7p. What time did I wake up? 3am. 3 in the fucking AM. SHIT! That was one hell of a guilty pleasure. Why the guilt? Well, I am pretty sure that I locked the apartment before I decided to hop in the 'ole haystack and fuck the sleep fairy.


3 AM. Hock was still up working on some crazy project of his so I talked to him for a little bit. He needs to be up around now, so I am going to go check on that and then come back for a bit more writing....oh the places you'll go.

Prior to that ridiculous napsleep I watched a couple movies. First was this amazing flick called Fallen with Denzel Washington and Jon MuthaFuckin' Goodman. It was very Stephen King-esque and would not be surprised if it actually was a King novel. Anywho, this movie promted the beginning of aa comic or book or story that I am going to begin centering entirely on nuns. Don't fret, Catholic community, I think nuns are sexy and are therefore going to do good. In a sexy way. So, perhaps fret a little if the whole "sexy nun" thing bothers you.

Then I got to see that Kevin Bacon movie Death Sentence. Yup, it was on demand and I decided to order the fuck out of it. I mean, who could pass up a Kevin Bacon movie where he loses his shit and kicks the hell out of bad guys? No one. You know why? Because Bacon has some sort of cosmic power over people. No idea where he got it, no idea how it works, but I am telling you that the guy has powers. I swear.

Currently I am listening to some of the coolest spanish music that I have ever heard. It makes me wish I understood any of what he is singing. Very melodic, that spanish. Aside from that, I have been internet window shopping for various furniture and shelving units for the new place. I cannot wait until I can afford some of these things. My bedroom is going to become so remarkable that I will have no idea what to do with myself.

I'm so gay for decorating.

"I need a fix cause Im goin down,
down to the pits that I left off town,
I need a fix cause Im goin down.

Mother Superior jumped the gun."

I think that I have really gotten used to working this crazy day shift. It means that I get like, no sleep during the work week, but I am managing to do it pretty well. (yeah, its a pun, sue me.)

Right-o. Im out.

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