Personally, I am buying a helmet, stocking up on canned goods and water, sharpening the sword, and barricading myself in a room for the scariest two and a half hours this nation may ever see.
Why worry so much? What could one President possibly do in such a short span of time?
- Dispurse the troops to France, who would clearly fold, marking at least one victory for this vapid excuse of an administration.
- Use the Dark Side of the Force to choke Barack Obama to death
- Burn the Constitution
- Declare a State of Emergency, use the Red Phone, unleash an onslaught of missiles to all parts of the world, use the fire power of the Death Star to take out Alderaan when Leia refuses to give up the location of the Rebels.
- Bite the head off of a live baby and drink its blood at a press conference after having the Secret Police brutalize and then arrest every reporter
So yeah, for at least two and a half hours tomorrow, We're Fucked.
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