Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Advancing My Skills

So I was walking with The Goerg earlier, and I told him about my idea to join a martial arts class next year. I was thinking that something like that would be a good skill to have. The Goerg agreed. You never know when you'll end up in a bar fight, or a fight at a party, or in a fight at the zoo. Being able to defend yourself properly is very useful and I don't know why I never did this before.

What if, in the unlikely but plausible scenario, aliens came down from space and started attacking. But they were impervious to bullets, but not to karate chops. Or groin kicks. So you have to karate chop and groin kick your way to defeating the aliens, who mysteriously don't use air strikes, but that's because they're stupid aliens who die from karate chops. So, if that ever happened (it could happen, you never fucking know), then I would like to have the know-how to karate chop those bastards with the most efficiency...and possibly break a board or 2 along the way.

I also think I'm going to teach myself to play the guitar sometime in the near future. It took me too long to get into trying this, I know, but now I really have the desire to play it. Also, you have to be able to play a rocking guitar solo after you karate chop some mother fucking aliens! ROCKN'ROLLA!!!

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