Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Short of an Abyss...

I can think of nothing I would rather sink into at the moment.

I am:

tense, stressed, sore, tired, frustrated, panicked, and just more than a little bit afraid of my fears.


We are all at a mojor turning point in our lives. Some of us will be graduating soon, moving on the careers, starting a life. I, on the other hand, will be figuring the things out that I should have known years ago. I guess that I am a little more than freaked about my life. I have a major tendency to overanalyze everything. Everything. Like, to the point that it can become crippling. To the point that I can become trapped in my fucked up head, crack a joke, groove to music, and work without stopping, noticing, flinching.

It is pretty fucked up.

I need something big.
I need.
Perhaps too much.

Beer tonight?

1 comment:

Hock said...

The moment will come...and so will the beer.