Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So this idea that I had is pretty fuckin' sweet...

And its an idea for a drinking game.

(Yes, apartment dwellers, I know that you know about this game. So now you know that I know that you know about this new game, please still feel free to chip in your two cents.)

Okay. So this idea came to me when I was searching through the movie titles at my parents house after my sister asked me to pick a movie. I was not in the mood to watch a movie because I knew that we would be leaving soon so I decided to name off porn versions of every actual movie.

I figure that we are all clever enough to come up with something within 3-5 seconds. So the deal would be that you lose points for every second after the 5th until you figure out a title. Each lost point would be a drink. So I will hereafter refer to "points" as "drinks". See a problem, fix a problem.

The way that you would win drinks would be something-along-the-lines-of-but-not-necessarily-the-same-as this:

Using innuendo without making the film NC-17 (This one is totally up for interpretation. It could become more along the lines of: a really shitty/unfunny version of whatever porn name you come up with.) = 1 drink to pass (which will hereafeter be referred to as "DP")
Involving Sexual Devices such as Dildos or Fake Vaginas = 2 DP's
Naming Actual Sexual Acts = 5 DP's

**Bonus Films**
These are films that already sound like filthy, dirty, ridiculously funny porn. Films like, "Hot Rod" or "Fun with Dick and Jane" or "Black Snake Moan" or "The Vagina Monologues".
Okay, so the way that one would get points on these movies would be by coming up with a fake plotline for the movie, but also making it a porno. Get it? Right? I am telling you, this could be phenomenally fun! These would be worth double the DP's! (you would recieve double time as well)

Oh, and I thought of adding one more Bonus Card. So you would get this card, right, and it would say something like "Backdoor Blonde Slutfest 69" or "Candy Girls 9". (I think I have that last one...hahaha) and you would have to figure out a way to make that correct for censors. That would be a really difficult one so it would be worth triple the DP's! (you would recieve triple time as well)

So yeah...that is the game. The winner is the one who isn't dead. Suggestions? Wanna play? Got an idea for a name?

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