Tuesday, February 5, 2008

If Only It Was That Easy

So we watched Across The Universe earlier today. It got me thinking...what it would be like to take a bag full of clothes and hit the road and end up in a new place. Any place. As long as you meet new, exciting people, like the ones in the movie. People who know how to have a good time and who can get by with whatever they have. People who can teach you amazing new things. To live a life that you never thought possible. Not doing illegal shit, nothing like that. No bank robbing for me. I would like to be in a place that is basically carefree, where you get by by doing something creative. The only problem with that, is that I'm not very creative. This idea would work amazingly well if I knew how to play an instrument or if life were like a movie. It would be one hell of an experience, but I doubt I'd be able to pull off something like that. First off, I don't know how to live without money. Second, I wouldn't know how to find people like that. Last, I doubt I'd be able to just up and leave everyone like that. Oh well, it was just a thought anyways.

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