Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Work Sucks...

So I'm at work. I have no other responsibilities for the rest of the show. But I'm not allowed to go home. Why? Who fuckin knows. So I'm just gonna be chilling here for the next 45 mins or so doing nothing. I'm SO pumped for South Park tonight, because Erek is supposed to come over (and maybe spend the night ;) ) and I actually have bud. I got some from Kristin who told me that Ben is still being a little bitch about me. But he wrote me a text saying I'm allowed to go over to his place again, so the period of not speaking is over (whatever, at least now he doesn't have to be so awkward about it). Although he was not happy that I called him "bud" in my text message back. So I guess we can be friends, I just can't make it too obvious that that's ALL we are. But anyway. I should really get back on headset. PEACE OUT YO

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