Sunday, January 11, 2009


2008 was a big year for me. Yeah yeah, I know it ended 11 days ago, fuck off I've been busy. smoking pot. A brief look back at my year

Spent my first full year living in Indiana
Saw the end of my longest relationship
Lived with girls (not recommended, unless you're fucking them, by the by)
Had my first (and probably only) time doing x
Had my first (and second (probably also final)) time trying coke
Had my first (and second and third and fourth and fifth and sixth and seventh and eighth (and hopefully not last)) time trying acid
Had my 20th time doing mushrooms
Went to my first rave
Worked for a union
Taught a college class (damn well, if I do say so)
Wrote music for the first time
Realized that, if only for a hobby, I want to learn to DJ
Learned Italian
Received a letter I wrote to myself my senior year of high school
Conquered a sushi buffet
Got my first professional singing gig (in March of 2009 though)
Sang two premieres, including a piece written for me
Sang my first voice recital
Sang at the MET competition
Hung out with my brother in law, and realized that he's the best guy for Sian. And he's just like me
Had a guy spend the night with me at my parents house (with them home)
Watched The Wall (like by Pink Floyd)
Watched the wall (like by myself on acid)
Hit my first (and second) deer
Saw (for the first time, and also hopefully not the last):
Infected Mushroom
Railroad Earth
Pnuma Trio
Orchard Lounge
Tom Foolery
My 15th Umphrey's show (I think)
Cracked a rib
Apparently contracted Scurvy
Apparently contracted HepB at some point and fought it off so I'm now immune
Finished two bottles of vodka with two friends and had an episode
Worked out hardcore for two months in the summer
Ate food hardcore for 5 months in the fall
Realized how fortunate I am to have the friends I do

I might add to this later :)

1 comment:

Hock said...

Fucking Nine Inch Nails!!!!!!