Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Problem with Women

I suck at approaching/talking to them. If I was in the middle of a conversation, I'd be fine. I'm just horrible at starting a conversation. I never know what to say. I'm not witty or funny or good-looking enough to get away with something cheesy or stupid. It's like my nuts are collecting cobwebs. I probably shouldn't be finding random hook-ups in bars, but I just need to find a good girl to just fuck silly.

Funny/sad story: I was at the Riv on Saturday night, talking to a friend. I turn around and get my dick fondled. My reaction? I grab a handful of that girl's titties. Well, she must of liked it because I didn't get slapped. The sad part is that I just stood there. I didn't follow her. I didn't see her naked. I also have no clue what she looks like...Seriously, I don't remember ever looking at her face. What? I was really drunk.

Moral of the story: I need to grow a pair, stop being such a pussy, and get out there and fuck some pussy. Damn, I'm horny.

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