Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sick Day

So for the first time in a long time I'm taking a sick day. Some observations so far:

The day a new Mars Volta and a new Ott cd come out is a great day to take off.

I don't buy very many cds anymore. I need to start actually saying "albums" when I download. stupid technology era

Daytime TV sucks.

"For Richer and for Poorer" with Tim Allen and Kirstie Alley is still just as spectacularly average as it always was, and offers mild chuckles to those who can't find anything to watch.

Best naughty word dubbing ever: "That Buzzard!" "That Witch!"

College is really good about making you feel like you're not allowed to miss classes, even for legitimate reasons. Not to say that it was totally legit, but I'm exhausted and I feel really poorly. So there.

Does it make me insane that I sometimes turn everything else off and watch the itunes visualizer for over an hour when I'm listening to a new album? Does this make me less or more crazy than the fact that I frequently watch tv on mute with closed captioning on and music playing?

That's all for now! Cottonmouth out

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