Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Song Remains the Same

So as a conscientious outside observer on these recent goings-downs within the apartment, I have a couple things to point out to y'all.

It's obviously gettin to be wintertime, because there's a lot of pissyness. And if you guys think that this is any change from in the past, you're mistaken. How many times did I have to yell at people over the last few years about leaving beer cans and cigarettes and trash on the coffee tables [my eyes drift from the computer screen to the cigarette burn on the table, no doubt the product of no one listening to me about how plastic cups and paper plates are not ashtrays...]. The fact of the matter is, and I say this dripping with the most HONEST LOVE for you all: you are all a bunch of lazy pothead slobs. I am too. Most people who spend the majority of their time being stoned are. There's nothing wrong with it. But it's something that you have to learn to deal with, because when those dubs show up at the door at 2 in the morning when everyone's on the verge of passing out, I will bet you no one will take their trash to the garbage can until the next day. Or the next week. You'd be amazed how little time it takes to clean up - and I agree with Hock, cleaning up does not mean clearing off the coffee table of trash. And despite the fact that I disagree with his passive aggressive way of bringing it up, don't fool yourselves into thinking it's the first time you've heard this, and play the martyr and say that it was because of bottling up annoyed feelings. It's your fucking home - nobody should HAVE to tell you to clean up after yourselves. And in my past experiences, even when I DID tell people to clean up after themselves, they usually didn't.

I live by myself now, and as lonely as it gets, I'll tell you one thing - my place stays looking nice. I don't work hard at it. I have swept and vacuumed once each since I moved in, and the most actual cleaning I do is getting a towel wet and wiping down things that are sticky or look gross. It doesn't stay immaculate, but I know I can always invite someone over and not be embarrassed.

so, to sum up, you guys will either learn to pick up after yourselves, or you won't. And until you do, you will continue to have people nagging at you to do so. Or you'll just live in flith. Your call.

And Hock - as long as there is no catalyst for something to change its behavior, in general it will not. Don't assume that because people haven't picked up on this shit it's because they're lazy or ignorant of it.

Much love to you all, I hope this didn't come across as super mean.

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