Saturday, January 12, 2008

Well, I've Decided to Come Back...

...and post again. The only thing is, I don't have much to talk about right now. At the end of this month I'll be 23 years old. Do you know what that means? I'll be 23, still in school, still not knowing what the fuck I want/need to do with my life, and fucking horny as hell. This sucks. I don't feel like doing much anymore. My rationale for doing things depends on my roommates and not on what I want to do. That is a piss-poor way of living life. Although, I guess I'm better off than these twins.

Well, anyways, my experiment is a success so far. I've been intentionally putting the toilet paper on the bathtub edge (closest spot to the wall where the dispenser is) to see if anyone in this apartment will put forth the effort to take the 10 seconds it takes to change the toilet paper and actually put it on the dispenser. So far its been 3 days since its been changed and I've moved the toilet paper roll back to the tub at least 5 times so far...the laziness continues.

Apparently I can't work on Saturdays without being yelled at. The one time Larz wants to stay up here for a weekend, he gets pissed off that I want to help out my boss (for bargaining power) and make extra money for myself. That's just some selfish bullshit. I can see where he's coming from and I didn't have to take the shift, but damn, if you want to make money in this country you're gonna have to make some sacrifices.

So Larz bought Mass Effect yesterday...I wanted to play that with him...I wanted that to happend with Bioshock too..but he has nothing but time and I actually have to do shit, so more than likely I'll have to go back and play everything over again anyways. That's how this apartment handles things, whatever is the most inefficient way of doing thing is the best way of doing things. I really hope everyone watches him play that game, just so I can make them sit through it again when I play it. Yeah, it may be twisted, but I'm sick of being pushed out of my apartment, so to speak. That might be a little harsh, but I don't really know how else to say it. Basically, for all of ya'll that are going to read this, I want someone to take the tiniest bit of initiative and clean something (bathroom, kitchen floor, vacuum, whatever) and I don't just mean clean up all the random trash that accumulates on the table. That's not cleaning, that's throwing away your trash. That's another thing (and this is no attack, I'm not blaming this on anyone) but I hate our coffee table. It just breeds trash and is an amazing haven for ash. I have a theory that all the nice electronics that I own breaks because no one knows how to take care of a fucking electronic device. I can't even bring this up to anyone because no one ever gives a shit about anything around here. I hope that if I live in this city next year that none of the bills are in my name...fuck that...


This guy... said...

I didn't realize you haven't had your vagina removed yet. Let me know how the surgery goes. (Sorry for that.)

Hock man, bring it up, dude. Make fuss about something, but don't test us. If you have a problem with anything anyone is doing, call them out (including me, of course). Dont keep this shit harbored. I will actively make an improvement if you ask me to change something. I want this apartment to be as ccohesive as possible and we can't rifts among friends (especially this group, where it will be blown up in your face).

So let me know bro-ham. Here we go change..C-H-A-N-G-E!!!


Kiznox said...

What he said.

Hock said...

It wasn't that big of a deal, I was just having some fun with my little experiment. I'm not mad or anything, it's just funny that we're all so lazy.