Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Let's try again

Since Hock was the only one to respond to the first one, let's see if this one sparks interest.

What if you could committ a crime and get away with it? What crime would you committ?

I would have to say robbing a bank or something along those lines. Financial security thanks to money that is now tax free!! Hells yeah.


This guy... said...

Stop taking all the good answers, bro! I would totally rob a bank. Those bank movies make me think I can do it! Like I just saw Inside Man. Or Bank Job. Or Italian Job. Or the Ocean's Movies. I'm pretty sure I can pull that shit off. Anybody down for a Clusterfuck robbery?

Anonymous said...

I would either be a squatter for life ;) I mean hell if I could fix up a nice warehouse and live in it for free forever that would be sweet. Or else I'd like to never pay taxes, yeah, no taxes for sure.

Rambo Dakota said...

I'm totally down for a Clusterfuck robbery!!

Johnny Cottonmouth said...

hmmm sell drugs? That way we'd all have free access to everything, and I'd have a lot of money on the side. I could deal with some shady drug people if I knew I wouldn't ever get caught...

Hock said...

I would take a machine gun on the highway and thin out our retarded population