Monday, October 13, 2008

Updates on my happy-haps

Let me start off by saying this post is going to be a bitch to type out. The reason being, is that I sliced off part of the tip of my ring finger on my right hand earlier this morning and now its wrapped up and in a splint. So, I'm typing with one finger on my right hand. How did this happen you might ask? Well, I was slicing onions on the slicer, which was set to automatic, and one of the onions fell down, so I reached down and tried to fix it...WITH THE SLICER STILL ON! Big mistake. I feel like a huge dumbass, but luckily no one seemed too disappointed. You might think it hurt, but I barely even felt it. It took about 2 hours for it to stop bleeding though. Oh, and I spent about 3 hours in the ER, about 2 of those hours were me just laying there...waiting. This should be nice and annoying for the next week or so.

Other than that, not much has changed. Completed a week of my apprenticeship. I'm probably going to get a new cell phone/provider sometime this week after I get paid. AT&T fucking suck, they charge so much for so little text. I think I'm going for Sprint and getting the Instinct, with unlimited everything (text, internet, GPS, etc.) except minutes but those are unnecessary with free nights and weekends anyways. So take that AT&T! Suck my fuzzy balls you assholes! I wish I knew more people here that would go out with me. Almost everyone I know here works the complete opposite shifts from me so I almost never see them, or they are lazy and won't go out. Oh well, I guess it'll be smart to save a little money for now.

1 comment:

Johnny Cottonmouth said...

I would go out with you. I'm bored too. I'm sorry you hurt yourself buddy, I'll be thinkin good thoughts for you.