Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Let's try something new...

I want to gather discussion about something as often as I can, since I struggle to contribute to this blog recently. What I was thinking, and this can lead to reply postings or comments to this posting, is to give a scenario or situation and see what we would all do. I usually do the Weekly WYR but let's mix it up a little bit.I have a whole list so I will try to post one a day.

What if you could be invisible for a day? What would you do and why?

Let's hear what you would do guys!

I think I would probably turn into a creeper, but who wouldn't when they were invisible? Honestly though, I would mess with people all friggin day. Freak a lot of people out, make them think there are ghosts, especially some people that I KNOW deserve it. Why would I do that? Because I'm invisible, you try to find me to tell me it's wrong :) Oh, when I'm not messing with people, I'm watching hot chicks undress. Did I really have to say it? No, you were all thinking it...


Hock said...

Masturbate in public, on a hot chick...you know, B my L on some T's

This guy... said...

I would probably also turn into a creeper. I would probably be naked the entire time (assuming the weather is nice) and probably molest some people like Mike said.