Friday, April 10, 2009

F-R-E-E-Z-E-P-O-O-P...incorrect. Try again.

So Claudio and I went with Lisa, a friend from work, to Mac's Bar to see the one and only Freezepop. It was awesome. There were two opening bands:

Dr. Device - They are a complete load of shit. It was they most effin' random music ever. And not in a good way. It is like if An Endless Sporadic had a demon child with a scream-o band. They almost never played the same passage twice and every passage was less than a minute. It was four guys: A bass player/screamer, a keyboardist (hanging around his neck), a drummer, and a big black dude on his Macbook. They all seemed like they are good artists, but why would they subject themselves to such filth (can't even call it music)? Thank god it was only 30 minutes!

Deastro - He is saweeeet. I would describe him/them as a less rocky Minus the Bear. He definitely got my feet a-tapping and my butt a-swerving. Unfortunately, he only played 30 minutes as well. He closed with this awesome cover of Prince's "I Would Die For You." He was one of those artists who just has a bunch of random crap on stage for atmosphere, which I love. He threw out this homemade vest with a hood on it that had multi-colored puff balls all over it into the audience. I then proceeded to where it for the last song. Killer! After the whole show, he was loading his van and signed his 7"/CDs for Lisa and her friend, Jeff.

FREEZEPOP! - No Kasson this time, either. :( It was Liz Enthusiasm, Sean T. Drinkwater, and Bananas Foster on drums/auxillary keytar. Regardless, the show started off okay. As the show progressed, the energy got higher and higher. The first few numbers weren't quite together. The songs were (if I can remember all of them and not in order): Brainpower, Super Sprode, Get Ready to Rokk, Special Boy, Frontload, Plastic Stars, Ninja of Love, Do You like Boys?, Stakeout, Boys on Film, Lost That Boy (new), Magnetic ____(new), and the 'encore' was Less Talk More Rokk, Don't Stop Believing (Journey), and The Final Countdown (Europe). It was truly awesome! The energy got crazy sweet near the end, despite the fact that most of the drum tracks were playing off of a keyboard to the side of the stage area. ROKKKKKKKKK!

The banter at this show was priceless. They kept talking about how many songs they have with 'boy' in the title. Since there was no backstage, when they left for the "encore" they just stood at the back for the stage and waited. The entire show was basically requests from the audience which was sweet. A lot of songs they said, "you don't want us to play that," probably meaning they are Kasson's songs or they couldn't pull it off without more notice (i.e. Jem Theme). When people were yelling "Plastic Stars," Sean said, "We don't play that song live...which means we will play it in about 20 minutes." Later, he said, "Sorry, we don't play 'Less Talk...' live." And we all know how that turned out. This whole show was a lot of fun.

-GOERG out.


Claudio said...


Sweet show. The new tracks are called "Lose that Boy" and "Magnetic". All the covers were sweet (Deastro especially). Sean also did a fake-out of a song, which neither Goerg or I can think of what it is at the moment.

I still want to see them play with The Duke, it would be a great show and they would play some tracks that we haven't seen them play live before.

Claudio said...

I just remembered the fake-out was Jump by Van Halen.

Jessy said...

I just saw freezepop last night :) it was also fuckin awesome...even thinking about going to see them in KY in a few days :) woot woot!

Hock said...

They played Frontload? Fuck!