Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yay! A Heroes Post!

Just for you, Claudio

While I totally agree with you, they really need their original writers back (season 1), I actually enjoyed this episode (Monday 4/6/09). There was a lot of drama. There was a lot of progression. There was a lot of bullshit.

I knew from the first 5 minutes that Bennett knew that Sylar wasn't dead. I knew he was too smart for that. I mean, he's been doing that shit for 20 some years, of course he'd be too smart for that. But it was interesting to see him go off the deep end and almost end his marriage because Sylar was driving him insane. I hate Sandra Bennett. She is one of the worst characters on the show, but I don't want to see HRG kill his wife to "stop" Sylar. I'm glad he was able to figure out it was his wife he held a gun to, and that he still loves her dearly. I hope he's able to get some retribution. Especially after what Sylar and Danko did to him around those agents.

Parkman's storyline was rather interesting too. I like that he completely tourmented Danko and broke up his relationship...with a prostitute?! Well, I guess if you're Danko, that's the best you can do. But it's good to see that Danko can get fucked over too in this debacle. The only thing I really have a problem with is that Matt doesn't use his powers to the fullest. He puts himself in situations that he can easily get out of, but he just gives up. I want him to use his fucking powers.

Baby Touch and Go. God dammit! All of that was horrible. A Japanese guy with a Texas accent? Ando making a face to get the kid to start the car? What, are we 8 years old? Fucking Christ! I'm glad Hiro saved Matt and reunited him with his son, but I could have done without the rest of it. I need Hiro to use his powers again (mostly go back to his late season 1, season 2 self).

I'm excited to see what next week holds. What do all the skeletons mean? Will Peter get his fucking powers back anytime soon? Will Hiro? Will the season get any better? Will I get a superpower? No, ok, I'll just take a better season. Bring on the next episode!


Johnny Cottonmouth said...


This guy... said...

Yeah, I agree with most of this post. Claudio and I were talking and he made a good point: The characters are not the same characters as when they were the last few seasons. And I don't mean, they are "growing and learning," but they are not acting 'normal.' For instance, HRG is completely out of control and irrational. He has always been the level headed one. Anyways, just my two cents and one sense.

Claudio said...

As for HRG: I understand him freaking out on his wife, but he could have been a little more rational with figuring out if it was his wife or Sylar. Also, I feel that HRG really let himself get set up for a trap with the Danko/Sylar situation. He didn't approach it very well, I mean he had Danko, and then he just let his gaurd down. Very off-character for HRG.

As for Parkman: In the situation in this episode, I feel that Matt was just giving up and wanted Danko to kill him. I'm just glad he didn't shoot the "escort", because that would have been EXTREMELY off-character for Matt.

I'm excited for next week.

"Just keep digging!" -Angela (what a bitch)