Wednesday, September 16, 2009

By Now You Probably Know What Kanye Did

This is my review of the MTV Music Awards. Yes, 3 days later. Yes, it's MTV, who gives a shit?

Did anyone watch it? The intro with Madonna talking about Michael Jackson was done with class. The dance tribute after that was awesome, with some screw ups here and there. But I'll allow it...they aren't MJ. Janet singing and dancing to "Scream" was awesome, even if her voice sounded off and she missed a spin. Still an amazing opener.

Russel Brand is alright as a host. He's able to bring the mood up, even with the whole Kanye thing. You know, the thing everyone is talking about. Where, at the beginning of the show, Taylor Swift beat out Beyonce for Best Female Video and (unprovoked) Kayne runs on stage, takes the mic and says that Beyonce should have won. Leaving Taylor standing there dumbfounded. She's like 17 (not sure, don't care). That is just a disrespectful display of shit that Kanye is known for. He's such a douchebag. Glad he got booed off and didn't win anything. The horrible part is that they didn't let her finish. The producers forced her off the stage. Glad to see that they care for anyone. Luckily for Taylor, Beyonce has enough class to bring her back out to finish her speech.

The skits with Eminem and Tracy Morgan were alright.

Taylor Swift had a nice lip-syncing performance. Lady Gaga is fucking nuts. Beyonce had a good performance. Green Day I fast forwarded. Muse was alright, wished for more. Didn't watch Pink but she did some trapeze work.

The worst part of the show for me was the Rock Video of the Year award (I think that what its called). It showed me the horrendously decrepit state of rock and roll nowadays. The songs nominated for Best Rock Video (maybe that's the name of the award) are THE WORST FUCKING DEPICTIONS OF ROCK I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!!! They might as well have put Kayne in that race. I wanted to cry. This is why I don't listen to much new music. Because it sucks. I weep for future generations.

Well, something MTV did is garnering buzz around the country. These awards are jokes. Still fun to watch the show. Even if the shit winning is terrible


Claudio said...

Hey Man, don't disregard all new music, just the shit that's on MTV, VH1, or the radio.

Johnny Cottonmouth said...

seriously though. Fuck Kanye West. I hope that untalented piece of crap dies.

I don't even know who taylor swift is, any of her songs, and I couldn't give two shits about her. But there is no excuse for acting in that way. Especially towards someone who was obviously so thankful for it. Now, the fucking worthless coke-fiending young population of this fucking country are gonna eat that shit up and he'll probably be more popular. And the media eats that shit up even more, so God knows we'll be seeing a lot more of him soon.

It sickens me to see the values we have in this country. The worst part is his sorry excuses for apologies. I could not have less respect for anyone who calls themselves a musician. I wish I didn't feel so outraged by this because it has so little bearing on my life, but seriously, this is the person who considers himself the voice of our generation, and what's scary is he actually may be right.