Saturday, May 26, 2007

Careful, the Beverage you are about to enjoy is Extremely hot...

And they were NOT kidding about that. I wonder why Starbucks seems to think that the only way to serve coffee is roughly the temperature that would melt steel. Well, maybe not steel, but it sure burned the hell out of my mouth.

On a positive note, George W. got crapped on by a sparrow during a press conference on Friday. Apparently, as one reporter put it, thats good luck. Good luck or not, I hope this is not the last time he has to wipe some shit off his sleeve.

Saw Pirates last night. Good flick, wish I had brough a recliner, though. It was a damn long movie with some pretty sweet scenes filled with swashbuckling awesomeness and nautical trapezery glazed over with a touch of rose colored weak romance. And Jack Sparrow. Hallucinating Jack Sparrow. Hallucinating, barnacle-covered, brain-falling-out, peanut-stealing, running-like-a-fairy, and absolutely mind-boggling Jack Sparrow. Glad to see the guy can still pretty much carry this franchise. I left the movie slightly disappointed but still pretty content with the overall epic that I had just seen. So I will give it 4 Ninja Stars out of 5. And yes, I have just devised a really odd rating scale and am pretty damn pleased with it.

Oh yeah, And Star Wars turned 30 yesterday. Congrats Lucas.

Now for a little bit of bathroom weirdness...

And Finally, Bacon Cheese & Beer Hot Dog or “Michigan caviar”

Word to your Mother.

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