Thursday, May 24, 2007

What a NICE day...

Such a good and sunny day, this is. I wish that I could be out in the sun for a bit and not working, like a good little drone. Though there are some interesting things in the news as of late...

Star Wars is about to celebrate its 30th anniversary. Woo Hoo! And in your face, trekkies. Because of this, the web is teeming with interesting articles about everything Star Wars... ...and some of the stuff is just wild.

Funny Stuff.

So there definitely needs to be some work done on the drivers side window on the Topaz. Oh the places you'll go are all fun, except when you have to fend off back sweat on a hot summer day without the benefit of a freaking breeze. Though I am totally psyched about the flip-flop wearing that is going on. I just love to be in the flops.

Also, I want cheetos.


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