Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Come on, Giuliani...

What will happen if Rudy gets the nod for the GOP nomination?

From CBN blog:
"From the moment Giuliani is nominated—if they are stupid enough to do it next February—a third party will be started emphasizing pro-family issues and conservative economic and foreign policies, and probably within a decade or two that 3rd party will be the dominant party along with the pro-abortion and left-wing Democrat Party."

Basically, you have Rudy, the Blue-est Red in the bunch, poised to win the GOP Nomination by a hefty margin and a splendid number of Bible-belters ready to walk from the party and as far away from modern times, or modern thought, as possible. These would be the same people worried about terrorists and would probably be the ones most likely to tout how the "terror" could be controlled if only the Islamic/muslim extremists were blasted off the planet. Cause, you know, God hates the Middle East, especially sand. Sounds pretty much like the nation is about to grow its own terrorist group. Good job, you crazy bible thumpers. Whatever happened to live and let live?

Politics are so much fun. So much fun. So much fun.

And to keep it slightly balanced...

Hillary Clinton is actually asking YouTubers to help her pick her campaign song.

The top 10 so far?
1. "Suddenly I See" ~ KT Tunstall
I guess I can understand this one. I mean, it did take her a loooong time, but I would play this song ALL DAY long if I had just realized that I had the chance to totally take revenge on my cheating spouse by fucking someone else in the Oval Office as President.
2. "Rock This Country" ~ Shania Twain
No. Nothing by Shania Twain works. Ever. Unless its 10 years ago and she is in that Ultra Sexy Leopard print body suit....mmm...Shania with perky boobs.
3. "Beautiful Day" ~ U2
Aren't these guys English? And isn't Bono Irish or something? Way to represent good 'ole American Values.
4. "Get Ready" ~ The Temptations
I am actually okay with Motown. I cannot quite remember this song, so I guess I'll stay neutral on it.
5. "I'm a Believer" ~ Smash Mouth
So the song that could be the force behind Hillary Clinton's campaign is the same song that Smash Mouth covered in Shrek? Yeah. Fuck that.
6. "Are You Gonna Go My Way" ~ Lenny Kravitz
Say it with me, folks..."Probably not, cause you're a woman with a bloodlust for power."
7. "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now" ~ McFadden & Whitehead

Who the hell is Whitehead?
8. "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" ~ The Police
Dear God. Please dont ruin The Police for me. Thanks. Your Pal, America.
9. "You and I" ~ Celine Dion

Canadians are Passive. FRENCH Canadians are Passive-Agressive Demons. This sounds like the best fit for Clinton.
10. "The Best" ~ Tina Turner

If her campaign is anything like Tina Turners hair, the GOP wins the White House.

And people wonder why the country is so hesitant to elect a female president. Why would anyone give a shit about the song? This is not a goddamn contest. If you cannot pick a fucking song for your campaign, how the hell do you plan on handling REAL problems.

Go Go Gadget, Obama!

And now for some asinine news brought to you by ABC. The Worldwide leader in stupid shit today.

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