Monday, May 28, 2007

Religious Hate-Speach of the Day...

Fuck you, Jehovah.

Seriously. You let these followers of yours get medical treatment, all kinds of it, except for that whole transfusion thing, right? Yeah, good job. Make sure that you find new and inventive ways to really alienate your people from decent medical care. But hey, I guess it really doesn't come up all that often so these Witnesses should pretty much have nothing to worry about. Though, if this rule does shave then number of you fucks wandering around neighborhoods like rodents in search of bread crumbs, panhandling those fucking pamphlets, then I guess...well, I guess why limit it to transfusions when there are so many other medical procedures that you could do away with?

In conclusion, You're All Crazy. And I dont like you.

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